On my last visit to Houston for Past Life Regression I enjoyed the sessions as much as my clients did. In one session we visited several different past lives, and when it came time to connect with Spirit, an interesting thing occurred. I have had this happen recently, but this time it was a different situation.
When I asked to connect with spirit, I thought we might be speaking with my client's guide, but that was not the case. We were speaking with a childhood friend of my client who had crossed when he was 6 years old. His father told him that she had passed, but he did not go to the funeral. Although he said ti did not bother him, she told us that was when he developed a fear of death.
She is with him often and even more so now since his father passed back in 2011. He thought the fear of death was because of his father's passing, but it has been with him for a very long time, sort of hiding out.
Next we visited with his guide and got some additional information for him, though at the end of the session, he did not recall any of the conversation with his guide. This happens sometimes, either the client will not recall anything from the session, or they may recall the past life but not the question and answer portion of the session.
I had something like this happen back in Dallas several weeks ago, when we connected with my client's guide and were told her father and sister had a message for her. You can read about that one here.
In another interesting Houston Past Life Regression session, my client was a 10 year old slave in Georgia living with his mama. My client began talking with a southern accent and kept telling me yes sir when I'd ask questions. It was quite interesting how not only his voice changed but his choice of words during that past life experience changed dramatically as well. Even after he got older and was sold to someone in Tennessee, he still had that same accent and continued to say yes sir to me, though that's probably not the way to spell it like it sounded.
I could write more about my sessions in Houston, but I have included several stories on another blog, so if you'd like to keep reading, click this link to find more about Past Life Regression in Houston.
You can discover more about Second Generation Past Life Regression Therapist Mark V Johnson and the different sessions he offers at his Past Life Regression website.
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