Once again I am returning to Houston for Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives and Quantum Healing Hypnosis starting January 23, 2014. I could tell you more about these sessions, but you can discover more by following the links below.
The first link is to an overview of several interesting sessions in Houston, a few Past Life sessions and a Life Between Lives session.
Past Life Regression Stories
The second link provides all the details about my upcoming visit for Houston Past Life Regression, including location information and a link to the registration page.
Visits to Houston for Past Life Regression
I am excited to be returning to Houston once again, as you may have read at the first link above, the sessions in Houston are always amazing.
One more thing before I close this post, I will also be in Houston in March and April 2014, though I am not planning any sessions during these times. I will be there to teach my Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training.
My wife Lana and I are excited about expanding our training to Houston, having taught this same class in Dallas and Atlanta. Starting in 2014 we are expanding the training to 10 days, which will give us more time to provide the students with hands on experience working with what they learn in the class.
To find out more about Good Vibes Hypnosis Training in Houston, click here to access all the details.
#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives
#hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist
#alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining