Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Past Life Regression in Houston in May

Once again Second Generation Past Life Regression Therapist Mark Johnson is returning for Past Life Regression in Houston sessions in January and May. He'll also be seeing clients for Life Between Lives and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions.

When Mark started traveling to Houston in January 2012 he decided to come back again in May, part of the reason was it was one of his slower months in prior years. Not anymore, now that he visits Houston every year in May it has become one of his best months or the year.

That says nothing about the sessions in Houston, Mark has found that his Houston Past Life Regression sessions are truly amazing, the powerful changes experienced by his clients have allowed them to make powerful changes that may not have been accomplished in any other way. Here is an example from a client who he saw in September 2014.

"First, let me say that I never expected feeling such strong emotions. I felt everything the abalone diver girl felt from the bubbles running up her body as she dove in the water to the pride she felt in her heart for her children and husband. I have a much better understanding of just how intense a woman's emotions are. It's no wonder they are so crazy, LOL.  I have been remembering more and more of the past lives and the Roman soldier life has been the most profound."

"I haven't stopped talking about it with my wife and we listened to the audio recordings and the memories flooded back. I do the self hypnosis more than 5 times a day, I really enjoy the place I go and that gift is worth every penny."

He also had additional comments 6 months after his session...

"My Past Life Regression in Houston was amazing. I don't seem to be able to find the words to describe it all but I have had a while to digest everything and its been an amazing journey. My wife and family members have all said that I'm a changed man. They say I'm a much more compassionate man and that I seem to be a happier person. And the truth is, that I am a much different man. For some reason, everything seems to be right. I really can't explain it but I think and feel differently. I have told many of my friends about my experience and many of them are very eager to go on their own journey. I just want you to know how much of a life changing experience it was for me."

There were other things that went on during his session. We also went through another process I usually do not include with a Past Life Regression session, however when it is indicated, I guide my clients through that process. In his case when he opened his eyes his feet were no longer in pain from the diabetic neuropathy he had been experiencing for several years. While the past life experience was incredible, my view on his session is that this other process that involved releasing guilt he had been holding on to for many years was likely what brought about the many changes in his life that he mentioned above.

Had he not experienced the Past Life Regression session and connected with his spirit guide, we probably would not have discovered the root cause of the diabetic neuropathy and what he needed to do to release it.

What do you need to release? What lost knowledge from your past lives is waiting to be rediscovered. Find out when you schedule your Past Life Regression in Houston session this May with Second Generation Hypnotherapist Mark Johnson.

#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives #hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist #alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining

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