Past Life Regression Houston - Every year for the last several years I come to Houston for Past Life Regression, Life
Between Lives and Quantum Healing Hypnosis. It's a traditional kind of thing and rather than change that, I have decided to once again visit Houston in June 2014.
I have not set the exact date yet, but I will be including updates at the links below, so click them to find out more specifics about the sessions. Lately I have had people register on my site for upcoming visits 3-4 months in advance, though I usually wait until 6 weeks before my visit to announce the exact dates.
For an overview of several Past Life and Life Between Lives sessions, check out this page:
Past Life Regression Stories
For those interested in finding out more about my upcoming visit to Houston for Past Life Regression, check out the following link which includes details on how to register for a session.
Visits to Houston for Past Life Regression
The sessions in Houston are always amazing, so I am always interested in returning for more sessions. In case you are wondering, many people do decide to return for additional sessions, though I always see at least a few new clients when I visit Houston for Past Life Regression.
I will be offering my Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy
Training in Houston later this year, the dates have not yet been determined. My wife Lana and I have decided to
expand our Hypnotherapy Training to include Houston and New Orleans in 2014. This is the same class we have been teaching in Dallas and Atlanta. This year we have expanded the training from 8 to 10
days, so that we have more time to provide the students with supervised hands
on experience working with what they learn in the class.
Click here for more details about Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Houston.
#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives
#hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist
#alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining
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